*gush* Right now, I'm listening to local band Imago's fantastic-sounding debut album 'Probably Not, But Most Definitely'. Imago is comprised of four 20-something musicians with varying tastes and influences and has long been a standout in the club scene because of their unique sound which, as manager Candice sums up, "crosses over from world and folk influences to rock bearings." If you live in the Philippines, run to the nearest record store and get yourself a copy -- it'll be worth it, I promise. Here's a bonus, the CD is only P250 a pop (roughly US$5! -- yeah I was surprised myself. I guess Viva Records is bent on promoting original Filipino music, and that's a good thing.)
Oh, but don't overlook ultra-popular rockers sandwich's sophomore album 4-Track Mind which was also released this week by BMG Records. Very powerful music, as always! I'm now in the final phase of revamping their website.
...Incidentally, I designed the packaging for both albums. (:
Wow, thanks for the link, Erna! Erna happens to be the editor of the hip online art zine MaArte, and is the girflriend of talented web designer Brian. I met her during the launch of The Lost, a book Arnold-baby illustrated.

Friday, June 29, 2001

Bad, bad Icom. They were down for 24 hours and I was so afraid they shut down on me. I wouldn't have known if Jim hadn't told me (thanks). Anyway it's great to be online again.
Oooh, Arnold & I discovered this cozy art gallery-antique shop-cafe at the U.P. Bahay ng Alumni called 'Odd Manila'. They carry vinyl albums, vintage clothing, knick-knacks, and lots of other curious thingamabobs, and they have a mini-library where you can lounge and read all you want all day (provided you order from the cafe, I guess). Now, what really caught our attention was the 'White Wall' where artists contribute works based on a given theme. Interesting!
The place is so unassuming you would think it was just an artsy neighbor's sala in the '70's. In fact, it felt home-y all the more since we ran into some U.P. Fine Arts co-alumni who told us they hang out there often. Plus the cafe manager, Rose, was nice enough to let us try her chocolate cake, on the house! Yum.
Yup, we'll be back.

Wednesday, June 27, 2001

Arnold & I are mababaw when it comes to having fun, and one of our pasttimes is playtesting the board & card games in Comic Quest. Okay...so far the clear winners (judging also from their respective boxes' state of dilapidation) are Upwords (stack-em-up Scrabble), Apples to Apples (a comparison/perception game), and Mind Trap (sort of like 20 Questions). A delightful discovery are the Cheapass Games. True to their name, the games cost from $3 to $7, and you can even get some for free. A basic game set includes a 'rule book' (bond paper with typewritten instructions, folded down the middle), a 'gameboard' (a set of cards that you lay down side by side on a table), a pad of score sheets, and small plastic pawns and die (if necessary). Everything comes packaged neatly in a clear zip-loc bag. Favorites include Space Wars (fight other cars for parking space -- sound familiar?) and Kill Dr. Lucky (a more aggressive Cluedo), but we haven't really gotten around to playing the rest of the titles. Will keep you posted on that.
By the way, my friend Candy just told me that she gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Clarissa Jae, last June 7. Gosh, so many friends are either infanticipating or giving birth this year. Incidentally, Candy's best-kept secret is that she was once the vocalist for the group of guys that would eventually become the Eraserheads. Hehe.

Sunday, June 24, 2001

Six degrees in the City
I've been enjoying Cheesedip for weeks so I wrote to tell Lia that I was gonna link up. When she wrote back, she said that our boyfriends are actually pals! (And so they are -- I finally found out who The Boy is, teehee). What a nice surprise. Let's definitely meet up soon, Manila is a small city (:
The concept of six degrees of separation is mind-bogglingly realistic. In case you haven't yet, sign up here, watch your lists grow and see who you're connected to. I haven't looked at my stats in ages, but my claim to fame is that I'm 2 degrees away from Pope John Paul II: my friends Tippi & Ito got married in one of the chapels inside St. Peter's Basilica in 1997 and they were among those who got a blessing from him! (...okay, maybe I'm pushing it)

Friday, June 22, 2001

Ads and Ends
Wow, David Guerrero, my boss in the ad agency I used to work with, just won a Gold Lion at Cannes 2001. Now that is awesome news! I'm not the least bit surprised because he has been changing the face of Philippine Advertising since he moved to Manila from London in 1995. And I had the privilege of working with him ever since. Yup, I owe my successful ad career to the man because he plucked me out of Nowhereville and had the bright idea that I should handle our then company's biggest brand Pepsi. I was dumbfounded because I was but a 23-year-old aspiring art director in the visualizer's pool back then. That was the biggest challenge in my early 20-something life, but winning a Clio shortly after was the biggest reward. Years and several other shiny happy 'rewards' later, I decided that the freelance life was more suited for me. So as my colleagues continue collecting golds, silvers and bronzes, I'll cheer them on from my side of the fence, hand in hand with the greatest reward in my life, my Arnold baby. (:

Wednesday, June 20, 2001

Finally got the chance to do some spring-cleaning in my room, and what did I find? My autographed Menudo poster circa 1985! Uh-huh, a 12-year-old Ricky Martin signed it too! So, do you kids think I should put it up for bidding?
Please help me decide.

Tuesday, June 19, 2001

Spinning from my post yesterday, found this aptly-named source for collectible (and not just commercial) Harry-related merchandise.
Still a bit drowsy from watching the 12-5am HBO Sex and the City marathon with Arnold last night. We really intended to watch only 4 episodes but we ended up finishing the entire thing. Well worth it.

Tuesday, June 18, 2001

One of the movies I'm eagerly awaiting is Harry Potter. I've read all the books -- my Arnold-baby gave me the entire set last year (: -- and I can say that I'm a devoted fan. I just saw the trailer and gosh, seeing the flying owls burst into the screen was enough to send shivers down my spine. Hogwarts looks just like how I imagined it, and they did a pretty good job in the casting too. They're showing the trailer soon in theatres all over Metro Manila, but if you don't wanna miss it, you can catch it here.
By the way, there's another sorting hat in this site. This old Harry fan site put me in Ravenclaw months ago, but hey I'm not complaining (: (lucky Arnold's in Gryffindor).

Monday, June 18, 2001

Okay, I have so much e-mail backlog that I just saw the announcement for the Zine Con happening (since June 8) at the Surrounded by Water gallery. "A month long event of forums and discussions on zines and underground comics, plus music, crafts, films and food!," the invite says. Wellie-well... Scanning thru the events I was delighted to find out that my twin brother Quark Henares' 'A Date With Jao Mapa' -- starring...Jao Mapa -- is one of the shorts they'll be showing. Arnold and I had the privilege of viewing it on Quarky's giant-screen flat TV last year and it had us in stitches!
To digress, the Con, I suppose, will mostly tackle issues re the underground and DIY culture. Gee, now I wonder how many Filipino kids are into this kind of thing. I admit to liking music by some 'independent' artists, but only because I happen to like the music and certainly not because it's the hip genre to like. There is, however, that extra feeling of respect for them because they don't compromise their principles for marketability, but I still won't give up my mainstream favorites for any reason, mind you. (:

Monday, June 18, 2001

Oh no, Tokyo!
Caught the infamous WINS cable channel show 'Oh, Tokyo' this afternoon and actually watched an hour's worth of it . (Wow it's been so long since I've seen an episode!) For those not familiar with the show, it's supposed to be a guided tour of Tokyo's attractions, but the Filipina 'roving reporter' host is so unintentionally funny it ends up becoming a laugh trip. I really don't know who this show is targeting as an audience because most of the time, their features seem ordinary. Ellinor-the-host's killer commentary definitely makes it worth watching though. (No offense to the dear girl -- she's just doing her job, and how!). Just wait til she does her man-on-the-street 'interviews' -- it's amazing how she can smoothly segue from questions regarding the interviewee's frequency of visits to his/her civil status ('ahh, single pa po daw sya.'). Alas it shall remain a mystery because the interrogating is done in Japanese.
Anyway, I did a bit of trawling so I could at least put a related link in this entry, and found this instead. Let's go, let's play, let's fun!

Sunday, June 17, 2001

Turning the page
A highway robber from Marikina was shot dead yesterday and four of his cohorts were arrested shortly after. It said in the papers that they operate along the route my Arnold took when he was attacked. When I first heard the news of the arrest (thanks toJeck), I couldn't help but think that these are the same guys who hurt my baby (and many others I presume), and they finally got the karma that was due them...(:

Saturday, June 16, 2001

Spinning First of all, thank you so much to everyone who sent us messages of love and support. Arnold is fine now & we've both gotten over the initial shock. It was a wake-up call not just for us but for everyone, that we should hold, cherish and show our appreciation to those whom we love every chance we get.
What a week of extremes, though. An assault that led to renewed faith (my Arnold), a wedding (Buddy and Earnest), a death (our friend Dean's 27-year-old cousin), and news of a coming baby (Dean & Gig). All of life's cycles in a span of 7 days. It is during times like these when we realize that God is the One in control, and that all we have to do is pray and trust in Him.

Friday, June 15, 2001

I can say that I am blessed, truly blessed. God and I have had a special relationship ever since I can remember, and he has never let me down. Especially two days ago, at 2am. Incommunicado (because he accidentally left his phone with me), my boyfriend Arnold was assaulted and knocked out by three armed thugs on his way home. They pointed a gun to his head, punched him on the chest, and hit his face hard with the gun two times. How can they do that to my innocent, kind-hearted baby!?! I can't help imagining what else could have happened (nooo....). Arnold wanted to spare me from emotional trauma when he called the first time, he didn't say he was at a hospital being stitched -- he knew I'd freak out and drive there as fast as I could. He said he was just having trouble getting a ride. When I finally learned the truth when he got home safe and sound, around 4:30am, I cried and cried and thanked God for protecting him, and cried some more. Arnold was taking it better than I was, he said he needed this 'spanking'. He said that what happened strengthened his faith. He always tells me that his mission is to take care of me for as long as he'll live and he knows he was given more time to do that. We could see the sunrise from our windows as we talked, and so we marvelled at this miracle called life.I love you so much, my Arnold. I'm so happy you're here.

Monday, June 11, 2001

Love and Robots
Last week's Time Interactive issue had me thinking about the time in my childhood when I wanted a robot of my own (uh-huh, Asimov's fault -- I could even recite the Three Laws of Robotics). Well back then my concept of 'robot' was limited to, you know, 'R2D2' and later, the 'Small Wonder' kind. Then I realized that robots = computers. Hehehe, duh!
Now, the Jetson lifestyle can actually be experienced via 'intelligent homes'. Imagine that! At the rate technology is advancing, someday these machines will be capable of having emotion -- as goes the premise of most stories with robots in it (e.g. the Iron Giant, etc) including the upcoming movie A.I. (Artificial Intelligence), which I can't wait to see. The logo alone blew me away! Their website features a robot timeline and a chatbot that talks to you, somewhat like Hal, as you surf its pages. Cool.
Enough said, I still prefer good old fashioned human love, right, Arnold baby? (:

Saturday, June 9, 2001

Ze French Week
The 6th French Film Festival is happening at ShangriLa Edsa. I'm actually very interested in watching Asterix et Obelix Contre Cesar the most. Christian Clavier plays Asterix, Gerard Depardieu is Obelix and Roberto Benigni is Lucius Detritus. There will be screenings tomorrow and on June 13. Vell, vell, vell.
EArt Philippines is sponsoring Graphic Expo 2001. Would've wanted to attend one of the seminars, Room A's Programme in particular, if only I had the time and the moolah...

Friday, June 8, 2001

I just found out that Craig Thompson, the author/illustrator of my all-time favorite book Goodbye Chunky Rice is coming out with a new book called Blankets! And I quote... BLANKETS explores the sibling rivalry of two brothers growing up in the isolated country, and the budding romance of two coming-of-age lovers. A tale of security and discovery, of playfulness and tragedy, of a fall from grace and the origins of faith.(Read the article.). I can hardly wait til Spring next year.
Both heartwarming and heart-wrenching, Chunky Rice is one of the best books I've read in years. The emotion I felt while reading it was heightened all the more by the fact that Arnold gave it to me the night before I was to leave for a month-long vacation continents away. *sigh*

Monday, June 4, 2001

Pitas vs. Blogger
I had a Blogger account for another site once, but I gave up on it because (1) the Blogger site took too much time to load (b) somehow I often got errors (c) their server is always busy. Pitas is so much easier to work with. I really don't know what the main difference between the services are (if someone knows I'd appreciate it if you could tell me). All I know is that they both facilitate making entry updates, from any computer at that. Signing off for today...

Friday, June 1, 2001

This non-diary of mine...
Well, here's my first Pitas entry. I've been creating websites for almost 5 years now yet it never occurred to me to chronicle my daily (okay, maybe weekly at the most) life on the www. Who would take the time to read a stranger's meanderings? But seeing the number of weblog sites multiply by the minute made me think twice. Even the most obscure site will have at least one visitor a day! Which brings me to the purpose for this weblog. No, it will not be a personal journal (all the introspective stuff goes straight to my honey Arnold *smile*). It's more of a vehicle for sharing information and insights to like-minded people across the globe. Please forward feedback here. (:

Thursday, May 31, 2001
