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February 05:
Unconventional Valentine's Day reads

If not for my Arnold's lovely presence, I will probably spend every Valentine's day holed up in my room reading books like these:

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Harlequin Valentine, by Neil Gaiman and John Bolton.

HV is a modern retelling of a classic commedia dell' arte legend of tomfoolery and hopeless, fawning love. Those who have spent Valentine's Day alone know that the cold February holiday can be hard to swallow. Here, all it takes is a steak knife, a fork, and a bottle of quality ketchup.

Note: Not for the faint of heart though (ugh).

This I've mentioned before,

toxicp (3k image)
Toxic Paradise: Love and Romance, first issue of a comic book anthology series published through Slave Labor Graphics

Love and Romance shows relationships as deconstructed and reconstructed by today's independent comic book artists.

Note: Non-mushy. Very.

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Love in Tights , a (quarterly) comic book anthology series published through Slave Labor Graphics

LiT is an attempt to bridge the gap between two previously unrelated genres: superheroes comics and romance comics.

Note: Naturally I'm featuring the cover by our fave artist-writer Andi

* I did read them all anyway -- with him of course (: