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September 09:
Random whatnots + Arnold lookalike #5

From Signs that you are becoming a geek:

[snip] #1. If you someday have kids, you want to name them after your favorite fonts.

Hmmm ...Arial, Desdemona, Chancery, or Verdana can be carried off stylishly, I think. Can't say the same for Helvetica, Courier, or *shudder* Dingbat, though.

What font name/s would you consider, if ever?

5inchcdrs (4k image)

These yummy-looking thingamajigs are actually blank CDR sets that can be ordered via 5inch.com. Nice, huh? I wouldn't have known about them if Zoorex didn't give Arn and me samples (hi Zoo!). They're affordable at $7.50 a set though of course that amount doesn't cover shipping to 3rd World destinations, heh.

*Speaking of 3rd World, Mona has a funny entry about how we Pinoys are made of "sterner stuff", considering that we have to live through conditions people in the 1st world will probably never even experience. (Claire Danes was a rare case.)

Funny. Halina told me that J said that Arnold looks like the lead guy in Bootmen. I didn't see that movie so naturally, I googled and came up with this:

adamarnold (3k image)

My brother and I always tease Arn that he looks like John Travolta, and yeah, this guy does kinda look like him too, haha.


Hi Cyn! I saw the
same nifty CD-Rs
(and more) in
CD-R King at
Glorietta 4. (well
between G4 and
G3). They were
being sold for 10
pesos each I think.

Posted by Neva
Sep 10 | 10:21 AM

Gig: Kamukha ano? I
think it's the eys and
the lower half of the

Jo: Yeps those cdrs
are super nice
looking! Zoo gave us
2 designs -- a
mirrorball and a
spinning DJ (:

Luis: Hahaha! I knew
you'd react to the font
entry, Mr. Mac Doctor!

Posted by Cynthia
Sep 10 | 09:10 AM

Font names for kid names? Cyn, you are a certfied geek. Hmmm... Geneva ha? (hehe), Georgia, Shelley, Paris, Jacoby, Farrier, and even Rubino. Who needs those baby name books when you can just rifle through your font suitcase list no? But you're right, Dingbat should be avoided like the plague, as well as Hobo, Serpentine, Burweed and Urkle. ;-)

Posted by Luis
Sep 10 | 05:42 AM

Wow those are cool cds! :) I'll look for those around. Just in time.. I ran out of CD-Rs already. *hehe*

Posted by Jo
Sep 10 | 03:40 AM

He sure does!

Posted by Nikki
Sep 09 | 03:39 PM