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December 12:
New York Voices and the UP Lantern Parade

I only discovered the jazzy Manhattan Transfer-esque New York Voices after Arn requested that I download "Now or Never" for him via KaZaA. Now I'm hooked! We've so far collected 35 tracks from their various albums, burned select ones to a cd, and made that our official soundtrack for this Christmas season.

You may listen to the loungey "Do You Wanna Know What I Want" here.

Get your walking shoes and cameras ready because U.P.'s much awaited annual event, the Lantern Parade, is happening on December 18 at 3pm.

The Lantern Parade was very much a big deal to us Fine Arts folk, mainly because we had to live up to our college's decades-long reputation of having the best-designed costumes, floats and, well, lanterns in the University.

Coincidentally, Lizza showed us her 5" thick college photo album at her house yesterday and there we found a couple of 1989 Lantern Parade pics of a silly-looking Cleopatra costume-garbed me and a reeeally thin boyish-looking un-costumed (daya!) Arn. We all didn't know each other at the time the photos were taken so it was a blast seeing them now and taking note that 11 years ago, we were all together pala at the same place and time.

Oh, and just because.

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My Arn, then (1993) and now.

How cosmic is it that Arnold and I both received wedding invites* on the same day this week? And how double-cosmic is it that both events will take place outside of Metro Manila? Arn and I have never gone out-of-town in the 32 months that we've been together so we consider these perfect opportunities for that.

*One is for Gerry and Ilyn's wedding in San Pablo City, Laguna, and the other is for my good friend Joan L and Joel's wedding in Nasugbu, Batangas. Congratulations, you guys. (:

1 comment

ayan. you can proxy for me. i told gerry i was gonna stop their wedding pero i won't make it in time! sigaw ka, cyn.. "eestap in da nem of meg!" alam na nina ylin yun. hahaha.

uuy..joke lang ha.

Posted by meg
Dec 12 | 07:49 PM