Frequent visitors know (and may already be tired of) how I’ve always raved about Japanese design, but I’ve been wanting to tell you about Yusuke Nakamura for quite sometime now. I “discovered” him via his eyecatching work on albums and dvds for the Asian Kung Fu Generation. Here’s one of my favorite pieces:

I am hoping against hope that my sharing the art and links will not in any way cause his images to be Emma Mori‘d*.

*read all about The Bayo Incident at Carlo’s journal

While we’re on the subject of RIP-OFFs (and I’m assuming that you’ve read the Bayo link above), take a look at these two sites and tell me which is the original and which is the copycat:

Link ONE
Link TWO

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Nakakahiya, diba?

Why oh why do some people have to resort to copying when there are dozens of talented graphic designers locally whom they can hire who are perfectly capable of providing original, un-sue-able work???

*Thanks to my friend Karla, herself an artist and purveyor of all things original, for the heads up.

Know of any other sites that were copied? You can sound off at Pirated Sites Dot Com.

And because more and more artworks are being swiped, copied, and passed off as someone else’s, our graphic design org decided to organize a seminar on Copyright and IP Laws for Creatives last week. It’s also nice to know that global network Creative Commons is working with the e-Law Center of the Arellano University School of Law on porting the license to the Philippines. Here’s hoping that more and more self-employed artists will be armed with the knowledge to protect themselves from copyright and intellectual property theft.

By the way…

Err… yes, hehe (nervous laughter). Arn did the illustrations, I did the layouts. But hello, we can proudly say that it was 100% built from scratch.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.
