I feel bad about losing my recent entries due to the switch, so I’ll be reposting some of them (the interesting ones at least), one a day. That way, even if I have nothing to write about, it won’t seem like I’m deserting this blog’s 3 most-loyal readers (yes it’s down to 3, I think: Shei, Tips, and Arn).

Besides gift tags and ponytail holders, what other things can you do with ribbons? Well, a group of (brilliant!) Japanese designers had other things in mind, take a look.

A lamp, dot hooks, bowls, candlesticks, and more — all entirely fashioned out of ribbon.

Looky! Pretty things to spoil your cat with (although our Abbsy seems quite content with what he has).

Kitty paraphernalia from George SF. Am loving the happy cat bowl-flock o’ birds food mat tandem.

By the way, yes they have stuff for doggies, too.
