“Why didn’t I think of that?” idea of the week – scented jewelry mini-dessert charms from Pancake Meow ((how cute is that brand name?)).

They don’t only look astonishingly real, they smell real too ((of course I can only imagine how good they must smell from here on the other side of the world wide web)). The scent menu reads so yummy you might run the risk of popping your mini-cupcake necklace charm into your mouth 🙂

The new album by The Pin-up Girls All Seats are Taken is out! My Arn‘s art graces the cover and the design duties were as usual, handled by yours truly. A free pin-up comes with the album too. Hope you can check it out. Incidentally, they’re the opening act for ex-Fra Lippo Lippi guy Per Oystein Sorensen’s upcoming concert in Manila – coolness huh?
The Pin-up Girls is composed of Mondo Castro, Jeng Tan-Mata ((Just a bit of trivia: ten years ago, Arn illustrated for the album of Jeng’s former band Keltscross called “Revenge of the Fishlips“. In fact I had that album even before I met him! Art-wise, he’s gone a long way since then … see for yourself.)), Mitch Singson ((Oh, back in 2000, we also designed the cd for Mitch’s other band, guess na lang which one (he has three).)) and Ryan Natchuira and the album is released here, in Japan and in Europe by Sutton Records.
Visit, visit! Cool new sites of old friends:
?¢‚Ǩ¬¢ Neva Talladen: Nev is a very, very good writer. Everyone’s been egging her to join the Palancas for sometime now, not that her talent needs validation. Visit her site and see what magic she can do with words. ((Also the longtime sweetie of our friend Monra))
?¢‚Ǩ¬¢ John Lacson: Pao is a bright young entrepreneur, web designer, and car enthusiast. He’s also the person to ask about anything gadget-related — hehe I know I’m guilty of that. ((He’s also Tippi‘s baby brother!))
I know I’ve been plugging about anything and everything non-stop but it would be great for all of us to support local talent, right? 🙂 On that note, please don’t forget to check out my hubby’s book Ang Mundo ni Andong Agimat, still available at your favorite bookstores.