Last night —

we had a despedida dinner (*sob*) for one of my bestest friends, Sheila, who along with hubby Mike will be based in Singapore starting next week.
(I’ll miss you Shei. So I guess Tips and I will just have to use up some miles in order to meet you for lunch from now on (; )

I also dropped by the mini-CFA reunion/welcome dinner for Lizza‘s friend Angela before heading to Sheila’s despedida. Carlo has some pictures here
Oh, if you happen to notice that Arn oddly wasn’t with me in any of the pics, that’s because he was at a dinner meeting with Gerry, Ilyn (hi Ilyn!), and Zach for another project to look forward to *wink*
Speaking of Arn and Gerry, their last team effort Lastikman was reviewed in the Philippine Star last week.
{Recycled post #3}
A few of our new year acquisitions:

Carnet de Voyage
Craig Thompson promises his fans that this is not his “next book”. It’s really a travel journal he kept while touring through Africa and Europe early this year. Exquisite sketches accompany his painstakingly-detailed notes and if you’re a huge Thompson fan like Arn and me, it’s worth forking the few dollars* over. You may browse through some excerpts here.
*Locally, you can ask our friendly neighborhood comic guy to get it for you.

Cosmos Boxed Set
Do you remember the old TV show Cosmos which aired on Channel 9 in the 80’s? (If not then oops, the age gap is showing). Loaned to us by Arn’s brother kuya Lenn, a professor in the US, this extraordinary show that was written and hosted by the late, great Carl Sagan is chock-full of information about everything over and around the sun. I’m only watching the ones that interest me but Arn is bent on viewing all 13 episodes one after the other.