October 31, 2001 My New Yorker friend Dindi tipped me that theatre show tickets are now practically being given away for free so Arnold and I have come up with a list of musicals that we'd love to see on the off chance that our families will allow us to travel soon (in light of recent events, we might have to wait a couple of years or so) : 1. The
Producers What's your favorite theatre musical? October 29, 2001 (Haha, now that was short and sweet.) Shoeboxed.com by fellow Weaver AJ is a repository for "shoeboxed letters". If you have some rotting away in your closet, go ahead and submit -- and they won't care about misspellings and wrong grammar. They want raw, unedited letters that reek of drama, mush, pure thought and emotion. *** So there you go. If you want your mass solemn, Saturday evening is best because the crowd is composed mostly of well - behaved teenagers and yuppies, but if you prefer a real celebration, go on Sunday. Note: For your information, I was never rowdy when I was a kid. I even went to Sunday School. (: October 26, 2001 Shirley's Pets is an adorable comic strip by our good friend Robert Magnuson, who, Arnold and I believe, is definitely one of the few storytellers around who can write (and draw!) from the heart. The strip made it's very first appearance as, believe it or not, Robert and Shirley's wedding invitation. When they decided to get married, Shirley wanted her pets to be part of the celebration. Sadly, that wasn't possible so Robert figured that if their pets couldn't be at the wedding, then at the very least, he could make it appear that they were responsible for it... Awww! Shirley's Pets comes out every other Saturday in Junior Inquirer *** October 25, 2001 I AM 33%
GEEK. (I guess this explains why I'm still online at 1 in the morning)
The Geek Test October 24, 2001 Arnold and I have always thought that it would be incredibly fun to be part of the creative teams developing toys and merchandising gimmickry for the Harry Potter movie. (Here, see some of the stuff they came up with.)
*** This one we've already seen at Comic Quest. Shake it and the glitters in the liquid inside Norbert's egg floats around, creating a pretty glow.*sigh*
Harry - related links: October 23, 2001 Caught "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes: The Annette Funicello Story" on cable this afternoon. (There's nothing like hearing loving words from Arnold -- thanks, baby -- and then taking in a feel - good TV movie afterwards to soothe frazzled nerves.) Anyway, I do remember Ms. Funicello from The Mickey Mouse Club but wasn't aware of how big a celebrity she became after that:
The movie covers her child stardom, her teen idol years, her singing career , her romance with Paul Anka, her classic beach party films with Frankie Avalon, and her first marriage. It also shows her large comeback in the late 1980s and her second marriage, and the day when she found out she had multiple sclerosis. (from IMDB) So I learned that she had a star - studded lovelife (did you know that Paul Anka actually wrote "Put Your Head on My Shoulder" for her?) but I was especially fascinated at how close she was with Mr. Walt Disney, who was like a father to her. Read more on Annette Funicello. Hmm, I have one of them Mickey Mouse hats here somewhere...
October 22, 2001 Our musician friend's brother died in a swimming accident yesterday. Such sad news to wake up to... ): *** That was one of the rare times I saw both my parents cry. I still feel sad that we never saw him grow up and that Arnold never got to meet him, but we know he'll forever be our little guardian angel.
October 20, 2001 Arnold and I had dinner at our favorite A Veneto Thursday night and witnessed the game show craze that's sweeping the country these recent months. The restaurant, reasonably packed that night (composed mostly of UP students and alumni, we noticed), was showing "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" on the big TV set in the corner and it seemed like everyone was watching and cheering (and jeering) in between bites. It was just funny seeing all these people who don't even know one another react as one solid group. Note: Well, the bug bit us too so we ended up finishing the show, armed ourselves with Frios and followed it up with an hour of "The Weakest Link" upon getting home. Related
link: Landwaster
Books, October 2001 Rat:
A Love Story is one of those books you can read full through in one
sitting but lingers in your mind long after you've put it down. Written
and illustrated by New York - based comic book artist Rich
Watson, it is a fantasy story about a rat who grows tired of his routinary
life and ends up falling in love with a (human) woman, risking everything
just to be with her. There's a very unexpected turn of events halfway
through... which is why I have to stop talking about it now or else I'll
end up ruining it for you. (; All I can say is that this very touching,
magical yet down to earth story is worth the trip to your friendly neighborhood
book shop. Oh wow, Arnold
got an e-mail from Moebius*!
Isn't it wonderful how the internet can bridge the gap between fans and
their idols? *If you've
been reading this weblog long enough, you'll remember that revered French
fantasy artist Jean "Moebius" Giraud is my talented honey's
biggest influence. (see
old post) (Um, we have
yet to decipher the note because it's in French) *** Philweavers
is the brainchild of kickass designers Drew
Europeo and my friend Jose
Illenberger. *** *** Oh! Tokyo
II! (duh) They've kept
the original program's format, and the only difference is that there's
a new host, a pleasant young Filipina (possibly an exchange student)
who's very fluent in both Japanese and English. Now what's wrong with
this picture, you ask? We miss Eleanor!
*Oh! Tokyo
is a Japan information show aired on the WINS
cable channel. Filipino reporters are sent to museums, expositions, and
special events to interview Japanese people and then translate everything
into Tagalog (the local dialect). Eleanor, the original host (shown above),
has endeared herself to the audience because of her awkward - sounding
Japanese and unintentionally funny commentary. •
this old post At some
point in their lives, most creative people have to decide whether to apply
their talents to a moneymaking career or pour them purely into artistic
endeavors and pay their bills with a day job. Jonathan chose the latter.
p. 15 And thousands
of people all over the world, Arnold and myself included of course, are
glad he did. • Jonathan
Larson Performing Arts Foundation *** October
13, 2001
(four of
these, actually) Arnold and
I are now bonafide Eraserheads
fans, thanks to Le
Van (whose name the Eheads immortalized in their tune "Balikbayan
Box"). The image on the button is a miniaturized version of the drawings
Arnold did for the Eheads' "Maskara" song promo. By the way,
Lev is also the webmaster of the well - maintained Eraserheads
Circus Site. Anyway, these
buttons are well appreciated because I've started to build a mini - collection,
some of which can be seen on my bag strap. So far I have Broadway musical
and indie band ones that I got in NYC a couple of years back, comic book
pins (Bat Mite, X-Men, The Spirit, Lex, Mxyzptlk) courtesy of Comic Quest,
and a much treasured Hogwarts pin given by Arnold baby. (: *** Apparently
there is now at least one Japanese food outlet in Manila that serves Ranma
1/2's Ukyo's
specialty dish okonomiyaki, and that's Teriyaki Boy along Gilmore.
Okonomiyaki, also popularly known as Japanese pizza, are large savory
"pancakes" made with thinly sliced seafood, meat and veggies. I've tried
the real thing in Tokyo five or so years ago and, well, didn't like it
all that much, but then again the taste varies from restaurant to restaurant.
We haven't tried the one in Teriyaki Boy (I do want Arnold to taste it)
although some friends have said that it's too mayonnaise-y for comfort
Here's a recipe site. Sci-fi.com
presents the award - winning fantasy writer Michael
Periodic Table of Science Fiction. (This week's element is
Argon.) *** *** *projects
I need to take on for the more obvious reason, and not for creative fulfillment.*sigh* *** That's "Cynthia"
and "Arnold" in hieroglyphics. Pretty cool, huh? Have
your name translated, too. I got the idea for this when I re-read
Arnold's book The
Mythology Class recently, and marvelled yet again at how he was able
to translate so many words into alibata. *** *** Yup, that's me doing a cameo on our good friend Marco Dimaano's manga - inspired comic book series Angel Ace! The series tells the story of Angel, a beautiful young woman who has somehow gained the ability to fly. Check out the new, improved site, powered by *ahem* Tala Studios (a.k.a. Arnold and myself). Incidentally, it was Marco who was responsible for introducing Arnold and me to each other around 5 years ago...and of course, the rest is history. (: *** The game is designed by Steve Jackson and the cards sport wonderful illustrations by cartoonist John Kovalic. You begin the game as a 1st level human with 'no class'. Via cards, you get to acquire races, classes, magic items, armor, potion, etc that you can use to combat 'scary' monsters of varying levels such as the Undead Horse, the Net Troll, the Unspeakable Awful Indescribable Horror, and *shudder* the Potted Plant. The object is to reach level 10, and by the time someone does, you'll all have laughed yourselves silly! (The 'magic weapon' featured in the card above is a Friendship Potion that you can obviously use to pacify dangerous monsters.)
More not - so - geeky games can be found here: |